Thursday, December 5, 2013

Getting Ready To Butcher

There comes a time in almost every steer's life where he gets old enough and fat enough to send him to the butcher for big bucks. The options for where to slaughter your steers can be very different for ever single person. You can get them slaughtered at your house or trailer them somewhere to be slaughtered. The most traumatizing thing for a steer when it comes to slaughter time is being trailered somewhere with several other stressed out steers also being slaughtered. You maybe taking them away from there home for the first time. While this maybe the easiest option for you it maybe the worst option for the steer. You must consider whats most important to you-- the happiness or whats easiest for you. Its also important to consider the price you get for each option.

Well before you are planning to prepare your steer for slaughter there are several steps you want to take to ensure a perfect and happy lifestyle for him. The first thing you should do is make sure they have land to actually roam on and eat grass. The second thing is to always have some sort of shelter to get under in bad weather and stay warm. The third thing is to give plenty of hay grains and access to unlimited water supply. The list goes on but you should just always remember to do whatever you can to make absolutely sure that your steer lived the best life it could of lived.

1 comment:

  1. Nice post, Riley. Try to add some pictures and add a little of your own experiences.
