Monday, January 13, 2014


 Betty had very high titers to two BVD strains. Since she and Cortana tested negative to BVD in April 2012, they will never be BVD positive themselves. Also, they continue to be vaccinated against BVD, to protect them. The high titers indicates exposure to a PI (persistent infected/typhoid Mary) BVD cow during Betty’s current pregnancy. The exposure would have had to be one of our beef calves from Jim Gates, another cow over the fence, or at the Nevada County Fair. Betty was three months along at the Nevada County Fair. If a PI cow was at the wash rack next to her and peed or breathed on her, that would have been enough to infect the calf. PI calves are born to either PI cows or non-PI cow. This type of infection is how a non-PI cow ends up with a PI calf. There wouldn’t be an outbreak at the fair, as a result, because most cattle are vaccinated. The susceptibility is with a pregnancy—a new fetus, like Betty’s.

With a booster vaccine, as Betty and Cortana had on 12/28, Betty should be ready to breed 30 days later with no risk to herself or baby

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